Gallerie 505, Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii
International Fine Art
Fine Art Originals and Quality Reproductions
Unique Works of Local and International Masters
Artist's Sample Image

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“Lokelani Dusk”
by Belinda Leigh
© All images and related descriptive content on this website are copyrighted material, and are the exclusive property of Gallerie 505, LLC, as licensed or otherwise authorized for use by the corresponding artists. None of these images may be copied, duplicated, reproduced or utilized in any way whatsoever without the explicit prior written consent of Gallerie 505, LLC or its authorized agent or representative.
“Lokelani Dusk”
by Belinda Leigh

Type:  Limited Edition on Canvas
Format:  Ink on Canvas
Size:  11"H x 14"W
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© All images and related descriptive content on this website are copyrighted material, and are the exclusive property of Gallerie 505, LLC, as licensed or otherwise authorized for use by the corresponding artists. None of these images may be copied, duplicated, reproduced or utilized in any way whatsoever without the explicit prior written consent of Gallerie 505, LLC or its authorized agent or representative. All software, embedded & underlying code and site architecture are the copyrighted property of Gallerie505, LLC. All rights reserved.
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